Coloring tracks and assigning icons is one of the simplest ways to organize your projects. Using a consistent system for coloring tracks makes it easy to identify tracks at a glance, rather than relying on the track name alone.
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Do you use a consistent set of colors for your tracks? Let me know what you prefer in the comments







8 responses to “Track Colors and Icons”

  1. Vadym Mykhaylyukd Avatar

    Just yesterday I managed to setup REAPER visuals the way I love it. I used RADO v4 theme, some color toolbar from EvilDragon, his color scheme. I also changed some colors in the Theme Editor. And finally I set up few shortcuts and buttons to open/close all those toolbars. The result is here:

    1. James Avatar

      Vadym, I just got started in Reaper, how do I make mine look like your color scheme? The default colors are very bland.

  2. Jeff Avatar

    Hi Jon, Been doing this for a while now. It is Very helpful.
    I use the color scheme I borrowed from Fab Dupont in one of his live mixing videos.
    Drums – Green (because they make things go)
    Bass – Deep blue
    Vocals – Red (because they’re the most important)
    Guitars – Light blue
    Keys – Light yellow
    It’s great to have everything “fly in” as soon as I name a track!

  3. Loren Avatar

    Thank you for this. I’ve been just trying to figure out how to get Reaper to auto assign a random color to any new track with any method of adding tracks. Ie. (double lick, drag and drop from finder, media explorer etc…) and finally with the help of this video I was able to do it. The default grey for every track is boring to look at.

  4. clarke Avatar

    hi, i usually use the same track colors for the same instruments, etc, and find they are helpful; however, the last time i updated Reaper – i seem to have lost all my track color information. is there any way to get my track colors back?

  5. Jonathan Avatar

    Brilliant as ever Jon. I’m having a weird thing where I elect the colour fine, but once you’ve selected it there’s no “apply” or enter option…if I hit the red button in the top left corner it defaults to black. Very odd. But if I keep trying to selects the right colour. Not been able to figure out why.

  6. Jonathan Avatar

    Mmmmmmm experimented further…where I was going wrong was selecting the Colur field…you just type in the track name and select the cloud and that’s it. Too simple for my brain…

  7. jol Avatar

    mine is greyed out??

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