In this video we’re looking at the frequently overlooked ‘Allpass’ filter shape in ReaEQ which doesn’t change gain of a frequency, just the phase.

By itself the filter doesn’t make an audible difference, but change the wet/dry mix to 50% and you’ll hear complete cancellation of that frequency.

To use the allpass filter for the classic Phaser effect we’ll assign an LFO from the plugin Parameter Modulation. The LFO continously moves the frequency control.

Then we’ll add in 3 more filters, with the frequency parameter linked to the first, but offset by 15, 30, and 45% (adjust to taste).

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3 responses to “Phaser Effect with ReaEQ”

  1. ashcat_lt Avatar

    I know you weren’t really trying to emulate anything specific here, but…

    It’s my understanding that most phasers have all of the allpass filters set at the same frequency. This causes more phase change at any given frequency and ends up adding more notches to the comb filter which are mathematically (harmonically) linked to the cutoff frequency. I think it will work that way in ReaEQ too, but I haven’t played with it much. Unfortunately, ReaEQ’s phase plot doesn’t really work right, so you can’t really trust it to show you what’s happening when you add a bunch of bands like that.

    1. Admin Avatar

      Thanks for the comment
      I was getting 100% cancellation with 1 allpass (I think based on how much the clave was removed), but I’ll definitely try stacking the filters too.

  2. keith haydon Avatar

    Not sure how you managed to figure this out, but major kudos to you for understanding your DAW well enough to pull this off.
    Having -that- degree of Reaper savvy is a wonderful thing.

    Thanks for sharing this, Jon.

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